Cover revealed for Techno-Orientalism 2.0: New Intersections and Interventions, coming out from Rutgers University Press and edited by David Roh, Betsy Huang, Greta Aiyu Niu, and Christopher T. Fan. The book release date is July 15, 2025! The description of the edited collection reads:
Building on the groundbreaking Techno-Orientalism: Imagining Asia in Speculative Fiction, History, and Media, published by Rutgers University Press in 2015, Techno-Orientalism 2.0: New Intersections and Interventions addresses the impact of a volatile post-pandemic present on speculative futures by and about Asians. The backdrop of this highly anticipated follow-up is a world that is radically different than in 2015: COVID-19, threats of a “new cold war” with China, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the reemergence of “strong man” politics around the world. An essential volume for this new critical juncture in Asian American history, Techno-Orientalism 2.0 catalogs intersectional dialogue with discourses such as Afrofuturism, Indigenous futurities, environmentalism, and disability studies. It also engages with recent high-profile and lesser-known works of Asian and Asian American speculative fiction, film, television, anime, art, music, journalism, architecture, state-sponsored policies and infrastructural projects, and the now-dominant China Panic.
I am so fortunate to have an essay included in the book entitled “Looking for Asianfuturism: Asian American SF and Games of Color.” Many thanks to the wonderful editors for all of their time, patience, hard work, and feedback. I am really excited to see this out in print!